Tuesday, 11 November 2014

More on Lonesome George - The Icon of Stubborness

In my blog, I focus on nature in Galapagos - the flora and fauna that define us and make us the most unique ecosystem anywhere in the world. One of the most iconic symbols of conservation in our archipelago is Lonesome George. When he died in September 2012, I wrote a commemorative post, thinking that would be my last about him, But, that's been far from true. I wrote about him again when he was officially designated as a symbol of our cultural heritage. Then, I posted on Facebook about the plan to taxidermy him and about his New York Museum show and ultimate return to Galapagos in 2015.  And, I anticipated writing an announcement when he finally returns to Galapagos. But, I never expected to be telling you about what has turned out to be one of his most enduring qualities: George was and remains one stubborn, I mean really stubborn, tortoise.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

When to Visit Galapagos - Part One

Welcome to Galapagos!

Sea Lions Welcome You at Puerta Villamil, Isabela Island, Galapagos

There's never a bad time to visit Galapagos and October and November are no exception. Though it's considered to be low season here, I think it's a marvelous time for a visit. The weather is great. The sights are as beautiful as at any other time of year. The animals come out to play. The flora has many brilliant colors that you don't see at other times of the year. And, the sky and water are glorious shades of blue. Not only that, it's been my experience that there may be fewer passengers on the ships and visitors at the hotels, so you could get a great rate - to say nothing of extra one-on-one attention. It seems like a great time to schedule your trip.